It’s been a while since I’ve shared on this blog. This year has been a time of transition—rethinking, readjusting, restrategizing, and grounding—a quieter time to go inwards before birthing new creations. Periods of adjustment and change are something we all experience—they’re part of the journey of growth and evolution, part of the many seasons of our fulfillment journey.
After living my dream to travel and explore South America while working remotely for the last four years, I picked up the pace for some quicker global travels last year (what I like to call ‘the quick travel experiment’). The quicker year of travel left me burned out and uninspired. After living burnout early in my career, I deeply know the signs. Something needed to shift, and I had to practice what I preach: I had to tune in and listen. I needed to slow down.
Side note, this is your reminder that while we might scroll through pictures of beautiful locations and dream of months of travel, the reality is that depending on how you travel, it can be quite draining, especially while working remotely. Slow travel is where it’s at. These were the results of my travel lifestyle experimentation.
Inner Reflection
So, with some self-reflection and listening to my intuition, I knew what to do.
I was craving stability, putting down roots, deeper community, grounding, and feeling into my next level of growth as a coach. Getting clear and real with myself about what I need has reminded me that fulfillment isn’t a destination we reach once with a happily ever after. What we need and what we desire changes depending on the season of life and growth we are navigating, and it’s up to us to stay in touch with the core of who we are – because that is where the map to our fulfillment lies. It’s up to us to revisit and reconnect with our definition of fulfillment. To honor the changing seasons of fulfillment.
Fulfillment is the result of experimentation, of listening to your inner voice and letting it guide you.

So with that in mind, where am I now?
I have resettled in Buenos Aires, the city that stole my heart when I moved abroad six years ago. I am prioritizing nesting and putting down roots, while maintaining the flexibility to move if my intuition calls me to a new destination. I am turning my focus and intention to building community and impact with in-person events to connect foreigners and locals. I’m also investing in my passions for different forms of Latin dance, growing to full Spanish fluency, and prioritizing my personal and professional growth to elevate my coaching skillset, deepen my practice, and expand my offerings.
And rather than chasing summer as I have the past three years, I am embracing all seasons this year- in every sense of the phrase. I’m also relearning the feeling of settling more permanently back into a place as an expat.
Regrounding in Buenos Aires
Grounding back in Buenos Aires has been a humbling reminder of just how much time and patience it takes to fully land somewhere. Even after moving and settling here as an expat six years ago, I’m rediscovering this process. Six months in, and I’m finally feeling more settled, to find my flow and routine again. For all nomads out there, let this be a gentle reminder: settling in, rebuilding community, reconnecting – it all takes time. More kudos to the slow travelers who purposefully take the time to connect in each destination. Traveling quickly doesn’t create the space to fully make a new location feel like home, and I learned that last year. For me to genuinely connect with a place, I need to spend at least three months there, slowly immersing myself in the local culture and community.
To bring it all together, through my journey abroad over the past six years, I’ve witnessed how my sense of fulfillment and what makes me feel fulfilled have continued to evolve. Different phases of this lifestyle, growth, and the seasons of life have required different things from me, and carving out the space to gift myself what I need has been such a gift.
Honoring the Changing Seasons of Fulfillment
So here’s your reminder to give yourself grace to honor your changing seasons of fulfillment. Don’t grip too tightly to outdated versions of yourself and your needs. Stay curious and open to how your definition of fulfillment can evolve with you throughout your life.
If you’re feeling called to gain clarity on what fulfillment looks like for you in this current season, and if any of this resonates with you, I invite you to explore my recently updated offerings. Click here to find out how I could support your fulfillment journey.
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