
Travel Deeper Series- Day 1 (Volcán Acatenango)

Travel Deeper
I'm Kristin!

I'm a Remote Work, Career Fulfillment and Lifestyle Coach. Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, career fulfillment, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.

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Day 1 ✈️✨⁣

It’s the week of deeper travel shares.⁣

Each day this week, I’ll be sharing a piece around deeper travel to highlight the beauty of traveling deeper along with the personal transformation that follows.

Today’s share is about Volcán Acatenango, the first big adventure on my 2017 solo backpacking trip through Central America. I arrived in Guatemala, heard about a great volcano hike, and signed up to do it the following day. I had no clue what this hike would entail.

As an avid urban hiker with the occasional weekend hiking trips, I figured I was all good. This was until I declined the sticks and porters, loaded ⅓ of my body weight onto my back, and started the hike up Acatenango in my Nike running shoes. It’s comical to reflect on now. ⁣
Two hours in, I realized why everyone was in proper hiking boots and paid to have their things carried. Countless times, I thought about turning back as I dripped sweat carrying my heavy pack and each step up led to sinking back three more. ⁣⁣⁣
Yet, there was nothing like the feeling of reaching the top and seeing that view.⁣⁣⁣
Acatenango was one of my first introductions to the beauty of personal transformation via travel.⁣

Arriving at a new place solo, hearing about an adventure, and just going for it. Challenging myself (especially since I was completely unprepared) and finding the strength to push through the discomfort to reach the beauty at the top.

Finding comfort in that discomfort.

This was just the beginning.

One of the beauties of deeper travel is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, overcoming one challenge at a time, and learning so much about yourself on the journey.⁣

𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳.⁣💫

See the rest of the travel deeper series:

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

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Hola, I'm Kristin
Your Transformation + Life Coach.

I'm here to tell you that the leap is always worth it! My story really began the moment I took the leap. I left my 9-5, put all of my things in storage and headed on a 1-month (turned 3-month) solo backpacking adventure. The journey ever since has been more beautiful and magical than I could have ever imagined. 

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Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.


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