
36 Learnings at 36

36 learnings at 36
I'm Kristin!

I'm a Remote Work, Career Fulfillment and Lifestyle Coach. Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, career fulfillment, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.

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  1. Always make room for gratitude.
  2. Your two best guides to a fulfilling life are your intuition and your curiosity. The biggest challenge is finding the courage to follow them. Building that courage will transform your life.
  3. It’s not about checking places off a list; it’s about how each destination becomes a part of you. Slow travel and immersion gift you this deeper connection and transformation.
  4. Slowing down and living intentionally will change your life.
  5. Rock bottoms and life shake-ups are there to force you into deeper alignment. Trust the unfolding.
  6. Synchronicities will lead you to some of your biggest blessings and lessons. Everything is guiding you with a divine purpose. Trust. The universe always has your back.
  7. No relationship (romantic, friendship, etc.) is worth abandoning yourself for. If you sense you have to hide or abandon parts of your authentic self to maintain connection, that is your signal it’s time to leave and to let go.
  8. I am not who I was 1, 3, 5, 7,10.. years ago, and that is beautiful. There is no rushing your process, but pay attention to when you feel stuck or stagnant. Move at your own pace, yet always lean into growth and evolution.
  9. Quality > quantity
  10. Experiences > things
  11. Disconnect to reconnect within. (A favorite mantra for stillness + balance + connecting to your internal world)
  12. Airplane mode and adventure. (A favorite mantra for disconnecting + full presence to adventure)
  13. Living your authentic truth is living your best life. (A favorite life mantra I set in 2018 when building my dreams)
  14. Flow will take you way further in life than force ever will. Learn how to connect and live in flow. Once you have this awareness, you will always know when your life is in or out of alignment. This awareness becomes your guiding force for realignment.
  15. DANCE. As the Mickey Blue song says, “Free your body and your mind, for freedom of the body helps in freeing the mind.”
  16. The people who love you will support you and your happiness. Just be sure to keep them updated on the itinerary so they feel included as you adventure throughout your journey.
  17. No one is going to have your back more than you. Be kind, give love, and support others, yet always look out for yourself. Always protect you, first—because you are your most important relationship.
  18. The unexpected reroute can be the greatest redirect of your life.
  19. Open heart, curious mind, and strong boundaries.
  20. Make space for solitude and stillness. This is how you connect to hear your inner voice and wisdom.
  21. Learning the art of detachment will free you.
  22. One of the hardest and most heartbreaking things is letting go. Yet, trust when your intuition tells you it’s necessary for your growth and evolution.
  23. The magic is always there. It’s just waiting for you to tune in and notice it.
  24. Strong discernment is one of the most valuable tools to cultivate on life’s journey.
  25. Master your energy management. Understand how you recharge best, and learn to discern who and what truly deserve your time and energy.
  26. When things change inside you, things will change around you. Your inner world is a reflection of your outer world. Take the time to understand yourself at a deeper level, and your life will transform.
  27. Vulnerability is a superpower and catalyst for deeper connection.
  28. You can’t change others. They have to be willing to and choose change for themselves. Accept and love them anyway.
  29. Personal growth is a constant journey, including moments of stillness, heightened awareness, discomfort, shedding, grief, joy, and expansion.
  30. Quiet the outside noise, dim the light on comparison, and stay true to your authentic path. It’s just YOU versus YOU.
  31. Adventures are more fun when you fail to read the detailed itinerary. Life is more fun when you release expectations and stay open to the journey.
  32. Never cling to a job as your identity. Learn to understand who you are outside of work. You have unique passions, gifts, purpose, and dreams—you are so much more than your job.
  33. The world is full of distractions. Learn to find your focus and discipline for what’s important to you as you build your dreams.
  34. The best medicine is found in life’s simple pleasures—sunshine, music, movement, laughter, and good company. 
  35. Change your environment. Connect with your values. Align your investments with what matters most. Transform your life.
  36. You are the artist of your life.

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Hola, I'm Kristin
Your ICF- Certified
Remote Work, Career Fulfillment, & Lifestyle Coach.

I’m here to tell you that the leap is always worth it! I started my journey in recruiting, project management and HR, supporting companies with everything from the hiring process, role creation and setting salary bands, to improving internal employee happiness and fulfillment in the workplace. But, my story really began when I took the leap and left my 9-5 and the corporate world behind, to head on a 1-month (turned 3-month) solo backpacking adventure… which transformed into cultivating a fully remote lifestyle abroad. Since that first leap, the journey has been more beautiful and magical than I could have ever imagined. 

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Everything feels wrong with your current role - you just want to jump ship! But, if you don't address the root of your unhappiness... this pattern could repeat itself. 


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