Nomad Lifestyle

Tips for Finding Your Travel Routine

travel routine, grounding
I'm Kristin!

I'm a Remote Work, Career Fulfillment and Lifestyle Coach. Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, career fulfillment, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.

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Something I keep getting asked about is routine on the go. It can be challenging in the digital nomad/slomad lifestyle to maintain a routine while on the move. Traveling and moving around Mexico for the past month reminded me how important it is to keep routine while on the go to stay grounded.

Here are some tips for staying grounded and maintaining routine while traveling and moving around.

1. Know yourself and what is core to you

 We all have unique needs and different things that make us feel secure, grounded and energized. It’s important to first reflect on what that is for you. 

  • A good nights sleep?
  • Regular exercise?
  • Morning meditation?
  • Journal and reflection?
  • Healthy foods?
  • Solid water intake?

Know what fills your personal cup. The first step is understanding yourself and your core routine needs.

2. Travel with items vital to your routine

Once you’re more aware of what is core to you, make sure you pack the essential items for your routine. This could be a yoga mat, resistance bands, a journal, incense, specific food or drink items, etc. If you can’t travel with it, buy it once you arrive at your destination. For example, I travel with my incense holder, incense, journal and favorite teas. I bought a new yoga mat in both Argentina and Mexico to use on my travels in each country to avoid lugging it through airports. Having your routine items close helps you quickly put a routine in place. 

3. Implement + ground

Ok, so you know yourself and you’ve got your essential items handy. The next step is ACTION, implementing and grounding in your new location. This one’s on you. If you know you need a solid night’s sleep, make sure to get to bed early the first night you arrive. If exercise is core to you, start your first morning with a Youtube workout or find a nearby gym to join and get started. The key is to prioritize the routine things that ground and energize you as soon as possible in your new destination.

Then …reap the benefits. 

Moving around frequently, one of the most challenging feelings is being ungrounded. Getting your core routine in place sooner rather than later will help you feel your best to explore & enjoy.

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Hola, I'm Kristin
Your ICF- Certified
Remote Work, Career Fulfillment, & Lifestyle Coach.

I’m here to tell you that the leap is always worth it! I started my journey in recruiting, project management and HR, supporting companies with everything from the hiring process, role creation and setting salary bands, to improving internal employee happiness and fulfillment in the workplace. But, my story really began when I took the leap and left my 9-5 and the corporate world behind, to head on a 1-month (turned 3-month) solo backpacking adventure… which transformed into cultivating a fully remote lifestyle abroad. Since that first leap, the journey has been more beautiful and magical than I could have ever imagined. 

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