Nomad Lifestyle

How to Ground in a Remote Lifestyle

grounding in the digital nomad lifestyle
I'm Kristin!

I'm a Remote Work, Career Fulfillment and Lifestyle Coach. Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, career fulfillment, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.

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Changing cities, countries, and shifts in environments are all part of a remote lifestyle. The pace we go about this can vary, but we do it for the beauty of travel and exploration.

However, moving around comes with its own set of challenges. A big challenge I often hear from digital nomads, remote workers, and clients is feeling grounded when changing locations.

What is grounding?

Grounding is a feeling of being safe, secure and at home in your space. It is feeling balanced, calm, present and at ease. This takes time when first landing in a foreign place and to each at our own pace.⁣

When moving locations frequently, it can be tough to feel grounded. Yet, it is so critical.

Here are my tips for how to ground when entering a new place:

🌱 Unpack and settle in your space

As soon as you can, unpack your things. There is something about getting unpacked and organized that makes you feel more settled. Tackling this early also allows you to focus your time on getting out and learning about your new surroundings.

🌱 Get into your routine

Get into your routine. We each have our unique routines or rituals. For me, it’s morning meditation and movement often paired with journaling and burning incense. Bring back your daily habits and routine as soon as possible to help you recenter in your new environment. It also helps to travel with items essential to your routine to support this (yoga mat, journal, resistance bands, dietary items, etc).

Some questions to support you:

  • What makes you feel balanced/at ease?
  • What helps you to feel settled?
  • What is an essential part of your daily routine?
  • How do you feel at peace in your environment?
  • What helps you to feel safe and secure in a new or foreign place?

🌱 Explore your surroundings

Get outside and explore. This is one of the most exciting parts! When landing in a new city, there is so much to see. Walk around the new barrio (neighborhood) to get familiar with your area. This allows you to discover local cafes, restaurants, gyms, parks, etc., and to orient yourself in your surroundings. The aimless wandering can lead to a sense of security and safety. You can also discover cafes to work from, restaurants to try and local necessities (pharmacy, markets, etc.). For safety purposes, it is best to do this exploration by day.

🌱Shop local markets

After exploring your neighborhood, you’ll likely discover local stores and markets. Shop around for your favorite food and produce. A healthy and nourishing diet can contribute to feeling grounded. I encourage you to shop local whenever possible. This is often less expensive, reduces the carbon footprint, and allows you to support and connect with locals.

🌱Add personalized decorative touches

Add personalized decorative touches to make your space feel like home. Mainly Airbnb hopping, I look for a space with lots of natural light, plants, etc. Yet, you can only get so picky. I love to shop local markets for candles, plants, fresh flowers, and other small decorative touches to make it feel like my own. ⁣Think about what makes your space feel good to you and add your personal touch.


Finally, presence is key to grounding. It’s putting the phone aside and genuinely observing the beauty of the tree-lined streets, listening to the local language spoken, taking in the scents of food from local street carts, and feeling the city’s energy. Pause and tune in to your surroundings.

Grounding takes time, but these practices can help you to find a feeling of security and safety in a foreign place. Feeling at ease allows you to relax, explore and enjoy your new environment.

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Hola, I'm Kristin
Your ICF- Certified
Remote Work, Career Fulfillment, & Lifestyle Coach.

I’m here to tell you that the leap is always worth it! I started my journey in recruiting, project management and HR, supporting companies with everything from the hiring process, role creation and setting salary bands, to improving internal employee happiness and fulfillment in the workplace. But, my story really began when I took the leap and left my 9-5 and the corporate world behind, to head on a 1-month (turned 3-month) solo backpacking adventure… which transformed into cultivating a fully remote lifestyle abroad. Since that first leap, the journey has been more beautiful and magical than I could have ever imagined. 

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