
Intuitive Travel

air balloons flying in bright sky at sunset
I'm Kristin!

I'm a Remote Work, Career Fulfillment and Lifestyle Coach. Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, career fulfillment, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.

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Today I’m introducing and sharing one of my favorite concepts- π˜ͺ𝘯𝘡𝘢π˜ͺ𝘡π˜ͺ𝘷𝘦 𝘡𝘳𝘒𝘷𝘦𝘭.⁣✨

Intuitive travel involves listening within and following your inner nudges to flow with your travel path. ✈️

Keeping an open mind, heart, and genuine curiosity that allows your itinerary to unfold.

It’s not needing to know what you’re doing every day, every moment or every hour. It’s embracing the unknown and leaving yourself open to the magic and adventures that follow.✨⁣

Here is how you can give this a try and have your own intuitive travel day.⁣ ✈️

𝟏) Wake up and sense what you’re feeling. ⁣
-Are you pulled to head to a coffee shop? ⁣
-Is a local adventure calling?⁣
Don’t overthink it. Follow the feelings and inner nudges.⁣
𝟐) Continue to follow your gut and see how your day evolves. No expectations nor plans are needed. Let the inner nudges, curiosity, conversations, and connections be your guide. Maybe new friends lead you on an unexpected adventure or experience. Or, perhaps a local connection guides you to a hidden gem.⁣
πŸ‘) Stay open to possibilities. No strict, detailed or confined itineraries. It’s about flowing with where your intuition takes you. ⁣
4) Enjoy the magic πŸ’«β£
Of course, some travel involves groups and requires planning. Yet, intuitive travel is about YOU.⁣
It’s listening to 𝘺𝘰𝘢𝘳 intuition and allowing it to be your guide. Trusting that it’s leading you just where you need to be in every moment.⁣
It’s new connections, discoveries, adventures, wisdom and growth. ⁣
It’s pure flow and magic. πŸ’«β£

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Hola, I'm Kristin
Your ICF- Certified
Remote Work, Career Fulfillment, & Lifestyle Coach.

I’m here to tell you that the leap is always worth it! I started my journey in recruiting, project management and HR, supporting companies with everything from the hiring process, role creation and setting salary bands, to improving internal employee happiness and fulfillment in the workplace. But, my story really began when I took the leap and left my 9-5 and the corporate world behind, to head on a 1-month (turned 3-month) solo backpacking adventure… which transformed into cultivating a fully remote lifestyle abroad. Since that first leap, the journey has been more beautiful and magical than I could have ever imagined. 

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