
Embracing Infinite Possibilities: The Power of Chasing Dreams

The Power of Chasing Dreams
I'm Kristin!

I'm a Remote Work, Career Fulfillment and Lifestyle Coach. Check out the blog for tips, guidance and insights on remote work, career fulfillment, travel transformation, and remote lifestyle.

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One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that our dreams aren’t possible. We allow fears, doubts, societal pressure, and the beliefs of those around us to be the proof that stops us from taking the leap to the life we really want… Which is exactly where I was in 2017.  

Here’s My Story:

I had just returned from a transformational 3-month backpacking adventure through Central America, and decided to settle in San Diego. I would restart my career, put the travel bug to rest, and do the things I was supposed to do.

Yet, deep down, I knew I was meant to be living abroad.⁣ 

So, while I tried to carve out a life for myself that could be good enough, I was consumed with big questions like: 

  • How can I make my dream of living abroad happen?
  • Is it even possible?
  • Is this too risky?

At the time, I was lucky enough to have a supportive friend who encouraged me to listen to my intuition, to let go of my limiting beliefs, and finally tap into inspiration. They suggested I start finding and connecting with the stories of other people who had chased impossible-seeming dreams. Which is exactly what I did.  

And, when I started to read these incredible stories, my mind expanded. I shifted from the perspective of seeing things as difficult, scary, and impossible…to full of possibility. 💫✨

I finally realised…if they were able to do that, I can make my dreams happen too.⁣ 

Learnings From the Journey:

It’s this spirit of limitless potential that has shaped my worldview. Now, I believe that the world is full of infinite possibilities.💫⁣ 

And, through my coaching practice and experience in helping others open themselves up to these endless possibilities, I have come to know that the only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves. The mental roadblocks we put on our own paths. 

Months later, through hard work, dedication, and aligned action, I was officially relocating to Argentina. In the time since that pivotal conversation with my friend, I secured an HR tech role in Argentina that not only was a step to advance my career but also provided a working visa. This opportunity led to my next big leap less than a year later: transitioning to fully remote work, allowing me to travel and live the life I always wanted- before remote work was a global possibility. Through aligned action and perseverance, I had transformed my dream of relocating to Argentina into a reality that exceeded my initial aspiration. 

That flight to Argentina took place exactly 6 years ago today, July 29th (my abroad-aversary). And I’ve been chasing big dreams ever since. Thanks to unlocking the perspective of the infinite possibilities that our lives present .

I’m forever inspired by the dreamers and the doers. The believers who bring inspiration to reality. The endlessly curious who follow their intuition. Those ones who relentlessly pursue what sets their souls on fire.⁣

While it might feel like achieving your goals and living the life you have always dreamed about is something reserved for ‘other people’, the potential for what you can achieve in your life is limitless. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I have seen the magic on the other side.

You are fully capable and deserving of the career and lifestyle you desire. While each person’s timeline can look unique, it all starts with trusting yourself and being willing to do what it takes. The beauty of our minds is that we have the power to change the way we see the world. We can see our next steps as scary, limited… or as full of opportunity. When your passion, desire, and belief align with purposeful action, you become unstoppable. Your dreams are destined to materialize.

Remember, this is coming from someone who has uncovered this magic, and whose life has truly never been the same since.. in all of the most beautiful and magical ways.

My journey from dreaming about living abroad to making it a reality taught me valuable lessons about overcoming limiting beliefs and pursuing what truly matters. If you’re ready to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and dream-chasing, here are some practical tips I’ve learned along the way.

Tips for Chasing Your Dreams:

1. Identify and challenge your limiting beliefs

Take time to reflect on what’s holding you back. Start by writing down your fears and doubts, then carefully examine their validity. Ask yourself: Are these beliefs based on facts or merely assumptions? Becoming aware of your limiting beliefs is a crucial first step in overcoming them. Once identified, it’s important to address the root causes and take action toward meaningful change. There are various tools to support you in overcoming these limiting beliefs, such as therapy, coaching, affirmations, reprogramming techniques, and visualization. These methods can help you reshape your thought patterns and build a more empowering mindset.

2. Seek out inspiring stories of people who’ve achieved their dreams

Find and connect with stories of people who’ve achieved their dreams. These inspiring stories can open your mind to new possibilities for your own life. Seek out individuals who have accomplished goals similar to yours; seeing their success can reinforce that you’re capable of achieving your dreams too. Look for these stories in books, podcasts, interviews, or even by reaching out directly to have conversations with people you admire. One book I recommend that compiles beautiful stories like these is Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Your Dreams (Special Edition). This book was gifted to me and was a source of inspiration when I was getting started. Learning about the journeys of others can provide insights, strategies, and the motivation and empowerment to keep pushing forward when challenges arise.

3. Start with small, achievable goals to build confidence.

Break down your big dreams into smaller, manageable goals that serve as stepping stones on your journey. These mini-milestones not only make your dream feel less overwhelming but also help you build momentum and confidence as you achieve them. Start by identifying the skills, experiences, or resources you’ll need to reach your goal. Then, create a series of smaller objectives to help you acquire these. For example, if your dream is to work remotely while traveling, a small goal might be to learn a new digital skill or to save a certain amount each month. Celebrate each of these achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Every step forward is progress, and each success will build self-belief and fuel your motivation to tackle the next challenge on your path to living your dreams

4. Create a detailed action plan for your dream

Achieving your dreams requires aligned and purposeful action. Break down your dream into specific, actionable steps. Ask yourself: What skills do you need to acquire? What resources are necessary? Create a breakdown and set a realistic timeline for working towards this dream. Be sure to include both short-term and long-term goals in your plan. Stay open, and don’t be too attached to the plan. Your dreams and goals can evolve on the journey– flexibility is key. Remember, a detailed action plan serves as a flexible roadmap, keeping you focused and motivated on the journey. If you need support in creating this plan or want guidance to gain deeper clarity, I’m here to help you design a roadmap tailored to your dreams.

5. Cultivate a support network of like-minded individuals

Surround yourself with people who encourage and inspire you to chase your dreams. Seek out like-minded individuals through relevant online communities, local meetups, or associations aligned with your goals. You can also create your own group of dream chasers to provide mutual support and accountability. Remember, the energy you surround yourself with can significantly impact your journey. A supportive network offers encouragement, sharing challenges, celebrating successes, and providing valuable insights, advice, or connections. Be intentional about nurturing these relationships and supporting others’ journeys as well.

6. Find an accountability partner or coach to help guide you on the journey.

Having someone to check in with regularly can be a game-changer as you pursue your dreams. I experienced this firsthand when working with an accountability partner to make my abroad dream a reality. I’ve also had amazing coaches who’ve guided me through other phases of my growth journey. Whether it’s a partner or a coach, this support can help keep you motivated, offer unique perspectives, and help you stay the course. They can challenge your limiting beliefs, celebrate your wins, and provide support during setbacks.

While a friend or colleague can be an excellent accountability partner, working with a coach offers added benefits. A coach brings expertise in addressing the root of limiting beliefs, overcoming obstacles, goal-setting, and creating detailed action plans to reach your dreams. Coaches provide tailored guidance to help you navigate your unique journey.

Follow your Dreams

As someone who has walked this path and now helps others do the same, I understand both the challenges and the beauties of pursuing big dreams. If you’re ready to stop sleeping on your dreams, I’m here to support you. I’d love to chat about how we could work together to create a plan to bring your dreams to life. Here is my link to book a complimentary call if you’d like to explore this further.

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Hola, I'm Kristin
Your ICF- Certified
Remote Work, Career Fulfillment, & Lifestyle Coach.

I’m here to tell you that the leap is always worth it! I started my journey in recruiting, project management and HR, supporting companies with everything from the hiring process, role creation and setting salary bands, to improving internal employee happiness and fulfillment in the workplace. But, my story really began when I took the leap and left my 9-5 and the corporate world behind, to head on a 1-month (turned 3-month) solo backpacking adventure… which transformed into cultivating a fully remote lifestyle abroad. Since that first leap, the journey has been more beautiful and magical than I could have ever imagined. 

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